The Underdogs are gonna do it.

Underdog_1Remember Underdog? Well, he’s been Metsmerized.

We’re gonna do it tonight. I feel it! I think the offense knows that it’s time to crank it up. So, boys! Crank away!

Picture_0041_3Last night Rob and I headed to McFadden’s with a couple friends to watch the game. Rob didn’t last very well. He has some coping issues when it comes to watching tough games.

Fun was had, however, in finally meeting dear Mets Grrl in person. She’s super great! And also meeting Matt Cerone of Mets Blog, another sweetheart. Here are Matt and Anthony of Hot Foot, celebrating in true Mets fashion–by rocking their five o’clock shadows. See? So Metsy!

Picture_003_1Now, I may have mentioned before that Zoe isn’t a big drinker. It’s not a moral thing or anything, I just tend to only have a couple drinks when I go out.

Yeah, not so much last night. Whew, I needed a few. And of course, it was after my fourth Stoli vanilla and Sprite (yummy!) when the SNY boys (more sweethearts) turned a camera on me. Urg. I don’t like looking straight into a video camera. And I couldn’t. They told me to speak about the ’80s rivalry between the Mets and the Cards. About which I only know two words. Literally. So this was my (oy!) somewhat inebriated response: "You know what’s pond s.c.u.m? The Cardinal fan on the subway who stepped on my foot three times. That’s some pond s.c.u.m." (Mlblogs, you bleep out s.c.u.m.??)

Their response? "Great! Look out for your spot on Mets Weekly!"


I think it’s time for Zoe to step away from all cameras.

I do think the SNY guy got a kick out of me giving him a goodbye kiss on the cheek, though. "I love SNY!" I said. "And we love you!" He responded.

I may have also scratched Hot Foot’s scruff under the chin and called him a sweetheart.


Come on, METS. Win tonight so I never have to drink again.


Picture_001_4P.S. McFADDEN’S: These are the cups you’re going to serve us all night? REALLY?

P.P.S. Rob says that McFadden’s was opened by a guy who used to work at Shea, fell, and opened the bar with his settlement. Is that true!?



    Since I don’t have SNY (oh the shame!)you might have to Youtube that for me hee hee
    Yankees Cups? Seriously? Some action needs to be taken 😛

    Counting down to game time here.



    he if we tie the series tonight anything can happen.When is glavine pitching again?anyways perez pitch like you did in 04.


    And another by Delgado… wake up guys! that’s what we need. Did you see how the guy threw back the ball? Whatever!

    Glavine is supposed to do the next game.

    They were saying that there’s an 80% chance of rain for tomorrow. If it gets cancelled it’s a good thing for us 😉 Call out the weather gods make tomorrow, a wet one.



    For the record, they DID have Mets cups, and TBF DID try to appropriate one, but clearly they did not have enough.

    I hope my SNY spot is slightly better than yours. I had the benefit of doing it earlier in the evening.

    I respect fans who throw back the home run ball for the opposing team. That’s a longstanding baseball tradition I greatly admire.

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